Eliminate Sneaky Sugars

Did you ever take a hard look at the ingredients in some of your favorite products?

I did. I took a close look at my go-to salad dressing. The one I drizzle over my special homemade plantwiches. This dressing is commonly known as Good Season’s Italian and it’s pretty popular because it’s fresh and light and…not creamy. In years past I vigorously purchased these little boxes, ripped open the mini packages inside, and mixed up my light and perfectly tangy dressings so that I’d have a continuous supply on hand. Today I mix up my own homemade, and here is why.

Dry italian herbs on a plate
Plantwich created with Outer Aisle sandwhich thins

The sneaky Ingredient in this box

Sugar, Salt, Sodium Citrate, Garlic (Dried), Onions (Dried), Spice, Red Bell Peppers (Dried), Carrots (Dried), Xanthan Gum, Maltodextrin, Parsley (Dried), Guar Gum, Natural Flavor, Soy Sauce (Dried) (Wheat, Soybeans, Salt), Citric Acid.

There it is. Sugar. We’ve all heard that if the very first, or even second, ingredient on the label is Sugar back away and return it to the shelf. According to Rutger’s Center for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Study, sugar addiction is more dangerous than you think. They report that The World Health Organization (WHO) states that an adult living on a standard 2,000-calorie diet should aim to consume about 25 grams of sugar per day.

Let’s face it, if you’re not intentionally picking up a candy bar you may be eating more sugar than you’d like because sugar is constantly sneaking into food products and beverages where it really doesn’t belong. The same study tells us that “just one cup of Dannon Low-Fat Vanilla Yogurt, for example, contains a soul-crushing 34 grams of sugar. Meanwhile, VitaminWater contains 17 grams.” Vitamin Water! This Rutger’s study and many others suggest that some food companies include little bits of addictive sugar in their recipes, just to keep you coming back, not actually to enhance the taste.

Because this has been on my radar for quite a while, I’ve thought long and hard about why a fresh, herbal, olive oil-based salad dressing would need sugar at all. I can’t come up with a solid reason except for the addiction factor. This is why I first attempted to create this dressing without sugar. I am happy to share how easy it is, so you can quickly make your own.

Fresh herbs on a table

Gather a few herbs & spices

I grow a lot of organic herbs here at Windy Hill, however, I also buy many of my spices and herbs at the grocery like everyone else. Either way, gather up what you’ve been able to dry or take this list to the store and buy the following bottles.

  • Parsley (2TBSP)

  • Onion powder (2TBSP)

  • Garlic powder (2TBSP)

  • Salt (2TBSP)

  • Oregano (2TBSP)

  • Basil (2 tsp)

  • Black pepper (2 tsp)

  • Paprika (2 tsp)

  • Ped pepper flakes (optional for zesty) (1 tsp)

  • Thyme (1/2 tsp)

  • Celery seed (1/2 tsp)

Of course feel free to eliminate something you don’t care for, and replace it with something you like as long as it’s not sugar. I usually add a dash of Turmeric and Cayenne pepper for health but if you love onions, add chives and if you like lemon, add dried lemon verbena. Just keep in mind, if you already like the GS Italian mix flavor, this precise list will get you there.

the best Containers

For Liquids: Years ago I purchased the standard cruet that is sold alongside the Good Season packages and I do like it for proper mixing because it has marks telling you how much extra virgin olive oil, water, and vinegar to add. I find this helpful for a consistent taste every time.

For Seasoning Mix: After you’ve combined the measured dry herbs & spices pour them into a medium mason jar. (I like to use the mason jars with glass lids - these come with air-tight seals) Then shake well so the contents are evenly distributed. When mixed scoop out 2 tablespoons and add it to the cruet which should already contain the oil, water & vinegar. Lock the cap and shake vigorously.

The dry seasoning mix will last a pretty long time in your pantry as long as there is no moisture inside the jar. I keep the cruet filled with dressing in my panty because I use it pretty quickly.

Olive Oil Cruet with homemade Italian dressing spice mix on a cutting board with avocados and spinach

I hope this quick and easy recipe helps you eliminate those sneaky sugars that top your salads or plantwiches. There are many other processed items out there with sugar hiding somewhere. Seek, and you shall find them. If you see unwanted sugars in some of your favorite foods, google a sugar-free alternative recipe to find healthier options, or just try creating it yourself. Be sure to check out the Garden Gift Idea below in the inspire section of this blog. And I’d love to hear your comments and places you’ve found unwanted sugars lurking. Thank you for reading, Kim

Learn: NY Times: “How to stop eating sugar”
Double your batch of freshly made salad dressing mix, and place about 4 tablespoons into tiny jars with little corks. Give as gifts.
Garden Gift Idea / Place some preserved moss inside a galvanized bucket. Fill with 1 cruet, a tiny jar with your homemade seasoning mix. Be sure to label the seasoning mix with these stylish labels and also include 1 small bottle of extra virgin olive oil, and 1 small bottle of specialty vinegar.

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